Monday 20 October 2014

Literary Orgasm: A response every Writer should strive to elicit


A few months ago while on a stroll with one of my best friends; she drew me close and whispered, conspiratorially, that she had something to tell me. Curious, I nodded my assent and to my astonishment, she grinned mischievously as she handed a tamarind candy to me and prompted me to taste it while she popped one into her mouth. She moaned in pleasure and I shivered, slightly, as my palate was overwhelmed with the burst of sour, sweet and salt flavors. Afterwards, we laughed our heads off as she dubbed the feeling an oral orgasm. And much later as I curled up with a novel from one of my favorite Authors and after I had ranted and raged, oohed and aahed and finally sighed in contentment; I thought a good read can be deemed a Literary Orgasm. Yes you heard right; a Literary Orgasm!

 How often do we, as Writers, look beyond the idea inside our heads to what we actually put on paper? I know, I know, your writing is the best in you're mind’s eye and rightly so. But are we really generating that Literary Orgasm that leaves our readers euphoric and craving for more? The truth is, with more Authors opting for Independent Publishing because of its flexibility and immeasurable opportunities, there is added responsibilities with even less time to accomplish it all in a highly competitive marketplace. I should know; I'm an Indie Author myself and marketing is enough to make me want to rip my hair from my skull. In other words, it's backbreaking, nerve racking work. Therefore, Writers can easily become sidetracked from what is truly important which is creating a solid literary piece that will give readers that craved Literary Orgasm and catapult your work to the top, where it rightfully belongs. Here are a few fundamental tips to help you arouse that coveted Literary Orgasm and keep your readers gushing for decades, maybe even centuries to come.


The most exceptional of stories begins with a thought. However the Author chooses to develop this idea can be the difference between a bestseller and a woefully inadequate image of one. This should highlight how important brainstorming is. Think, think and think again; until the thought of your story gives you the Literary Orgasm you can be guaranteed your readers will experience the moment they devour what that brilliant mind of yours has concocted. And don't even think about beginning your story, wait...until you are so desperate to begin, you've practically written the entire story inside your head or at least a substantial amount of it. Try to create a map for your story, outlining the main points in each chapter or interval. Keep those scrapes of paper from your ramblings and try to document as much from your Brainstorm as possible, for that moment when you will need to revisit that magical place where it all began and trust me, you will. And don't even think about using Brainstorming as an excuse to shy away from starting that bestseller-in-the-making. What are you waiting for? Get cracking!

  Assign a personality to your characters

The girl-next-door or Cruella chic? Well it depends on which personality most compliments your story. Effective character building is your most powerful tool in wooing your readers and setting you on your way to that esteemed Literary Orgasm. Strong characters sell your story and makes your tale more relatable. Think of a character in a series you've watched or even your neighbors, friends maybe, preferably someone you've known long enough to have developed a fair idea of their personality and after ascertaining that it will compliment your plot, assign that individual's personality to a character. Do the same for all your characters or the major ones at least and whatever you do, stick to that depiction. But in case you decide to be a bit dramatic by applying a few exceptions; ensure that they are convincing and only serve to keep that Literary Orgasm going.

  Start your story on a High and Pace yourself

Save the lecture for later; at this point you should be charming your readers with a grabbing scene that will convince them that your story is a must read. Instead of starting with the build up to a conflict; why not start in the midst of the conflict itself and find a way to fit in the 'before' with the 'after'. You could also start with dialogue or utilize flashback techniques; whatever it takes to assure your readers of that enticing Literary Orgasm that is, most certainly to come. This should assist you in setting the tone and pace of your story. You can start pacing yourself by deciding on a word or page count for each chapter or point and by doing this you will find that there is less rambling and your story is much more on target. You should also try to strategically place your conflicts or Highs at specific locations throughout your story so that your readers do not become bored. Whatever you do, do not rush yourself! I know you don’t want to take five years to write your story but writing it in two weeks and it does not warrant a Literary Orgasm is as disappointing. Set realistic deadlines and work with them. And always remember; anything that will result in the displeasure of your readers is definitely a detriment to that sought after Literary Orgasm.

Ensure that your dialogue is witty and engaging 

Dialogue is the key to your readers' hearts and of course their Literary Orgasm. Now we do not want to mess with such an important organ so you must ensure that your dialogue is witty and engaging. Make your dialogue fun and entertaining; flirt with your readers and mellow them for that Literary Orgasm. Long epistles are always a risk so be careful but short and on point is always a treat and every one loves a treat! Maneuver your dialogue to give hints about your plot and characters' personalities and try to make it as natural and realistic as possible. Capitalizing on every tool to enhance your story should be your sole aim and you'll find that dialogue is one of your most effective weapons in claiming a Literary Orgasm for your readers.

  Identify sources of inspiration

So, you've hit that wall and you swear you'll never find the urge or inspiration to write another word! Tell your psyche it's a liar! You will stave off that drought and accomplish that Literary Orgasm! Easier said than done, right? But it can be achieved. Have you ever thought that your brain is trying to tell you something? You need a breather! Put away your writing material and take a break; certainly not for a year! A few days should suffice. Go to the beach, the park or simply watch a movie; anything that makes you content to do what you do best, craft beautiful stories. For example, I personally love music, currently; I'm stuck on Sam Smith's "Stay with me" and every time I feel that drought coming, I tune in. And when you live in a place like Jamaica; the sunshine is enough to inspire you, let alone the beach! Who knows..? Maybe a vacation is exactly what you need; a change of scenery does wonders for the imagination and when you're excited so are your readers and we know what comes next, Literary Orgasm!

 Follow your Instincts

 Contemplating whether or not to change that sentence? Chances are, you should. This is your creation; it’s a part of you and no one understands it better than you do. So if your gut is telling you that something is not right; listen to it! Authenticity is your first step in generating a Literary Orgasm and in doing so you have to be honest with yourself that what you are writing is coming from your heart and not based on what others have created. Listening to the advice of others is good, especially those who are qualified to do so but it should always end with what you see fit. Your story is your territory and you should reign supreme in all, or most, cases. Hence, if you’re not successful, which you most certainly will be, in granting your readers that Literary Orgasm it will be your mistake, not someone else’s. If you think living with your mistake is hard, try living with someone else’s.

 Listen to your readers

 And when I say readers; I don’t mean your family only. Yes, you probably want them to have that wondrous Literary Orgasm first but do not stop there. Do you know what your readers are saying about your work? Have you taken steps to encourage interaction between you and your readers? If no, it’s a pity because knowing that your story has elicited a Literary Orgasm is one of the greatest pleasures an Author will ever experience. But how will you know if you’re not listening. Most EBook retailers have forums for readers to leave reviews; you’ll simply have to make a note of those you have allowed to sell your work and check periodically to see these comments. You can also create an Author Central page on and include links to your Facebook account, Twitter account, Website, Blogs etc. Goodreads is also very good as it allows you to comment, message and even add your readers as friends. Allowing your readers to know that you are listening to them will encourage them to read more and give credence to their importance as those whom you strive to please. Not everyone will give a positive review but it’s their opinion and as an Author, you must learn to respect that. Shirk the anger and hurt that someone dismissed your hard work as unworthy and use the positive criticism to hone your skills as a Writer and ignore the baseless ones. So, if you didn't generate a Literary Orgasm in your last story, try listening to your readers to figure out their desires and simply oblige.

Don't take my word for it, try these tips to generate that sensational Literary Orgasm and keep your audiences buzzing. Of course there are tons of other ways that you can spruce up your story and accomplish that Literary Orgasm so don’t let it end here. Find other interesting ways to improve your writing and as a result, readers reactions. And remember, Literary Orgasms should be every Author's inspiration to write!

To find out more about Krystal Morrison visit, or simply leave me a message at or


  1. Omg I just read this... I love it...i love it.... An Excellent piece!!
